Fan Content Policy
Monomi Park treasures its community of artists and content creators. We LOVE to see the incredible work you’ve made inspired by our storytelling and encourage you to explore your creative passions. This policy will help give clear direction on how to celebrate Monomi Park legally when making artwork, media, or other creations involving the Slime Rancher IP!
We at Monomi Park, LLC (“Monomi Park” or “we”) think it’s awesome that fans want to create artwork based on our video games and engage with other fans in the community. However, since we invest substantial time, thought, and money in creating our intellectual property, we need to protect it. In general, unauthorized use of Monomi Park, LLC’s video games, names, artwork, videos, music, characters, logos, and other intellectual property (“Monomi Park IP”) violates our intellectual property rights. Accordingly, Monomi Park, LLC has created this Fan Content Policy (this “Policy”) to describe the authorized and unauthorized uses of Monomi Park IP.
This Policy sets out what you are and aren’t allowed to do when creating Fan Content or other materials based on any Monomi Park IP.
The term “Fan Content” refers to:
music, songs, mods (modifications), artwork, photographs, videos, fan fiction, and other artwork that is based on or incorporating Monomi Park IP;
non-commercial physical, fan-created works based on or incorporating Monomi Park IP; and
personal, non-commercial websites that are based on or incorporate Monomi Park IP.
Please read this Policy carefully before creating any Fan Content. We reserve the right to change this Policy at any time by posting the revised Policy to our website at If this Policy does not authorize what you would like to do with Monomi Park IP (or if you have any doubt about whether your proposed use is authorized under this Policy), please reach out to us using the Contact Us form on this website.
All rights (including copyright, trademark and related rights) to Monomi Park IP, including our Brands and IP Assets and any derivative works, including the SLIME RANCHER video game franchise, are and will remain owned by Monomi Park, LLC or its licensors.
In this Policy, "Brands" refers to the name of any one of our games, characters, slogans, features, events, or company (e.g. SLIME RANCHER), as well as any names which are confusingly similar to the names of any of those;
The term "IP Assets" refers to the graphics, characters, code, software, images, sound and audio from any of our games and any videos or screenshots taken from our games.
We reserve the right to revoke any rights granted under this Policy or cancel this Policy at any time, for any reason or for no reason. This means we may ask you to stop creating Fan Content if we think that what you are doing is inappropriate. We also reserve the right to any legal action for use of Monomi Park IP that is not Fan Content specifically authorized by this Policy.
Your submission, publication or distribution of Fan Content or any other derivative works of any Monomi Park IP in any form and any channels now known or in the future constitutes a royalty-free, non-exclusive, irrevocable, transferable, sub-licensable, worldwide license from you to Monomi Park to use, transmit, copy, modify, and display such works (and their derivatives) for any purpose. No further consideration or compensation of any kind will be given for any such works. You give up any claims that the use of such works violates any of your rights, including moral rights, privacy rights, proprietary rights, publicity rights, rights to credit for material or ideas or any other right, including the right to approve the way such material is used. Monomi Park’s use of such works does not constitute a grant to you to use the Monomi Park IP or such works except as specifically authorized in this Policy.
In no circumstances are you permitted to:
Distribute or redistribute our games without our permission. This means you cannot give copies of our games to anyone else or sell access or copies of our games;
Create or distribute any video game or other software that uses Monomi Park IP;
Make commercial uses of Monomi Park IP (i.e. profit off of it), except in the limited ways expressly permitted in this Fan Content Policy;
Use any Monomi Park IP in any manner that is derogatory to our Brands or that may damage the value, reputation, or goodwill of Monomi Park or our products or Brands (as determined by Monomi Park in our sole discretion);
Imply that your Fan Content is approved by or in any way associated with Monomi Park;
Promote or link to any website that promotes or exploits cheats or hacks to any of our video games;
Create Fan Content that violates the rights of others, or is obscene, sexually explicit, defamatory, offensive, objectionable, or otherwise harmful to others; or
Take any other unlawful action in respect of any Monomi Park IP.
If you are using any part of any of the Monomi Park IP in any way, then you MUST:
Comply with any applicable terms of use governing your use of our game (e.g., Steam Subscriber Agreement or similar);
Sufficiently differentiate the use of any name you are using from our Brands.
Follow the FAN CONTENT NAMING rule in Section 7 and ensure that none of our Brand names (e.g. SLIME RANCHER) are the first word in any titles or advertisements;
Make it clear that the product is unofficial Fan Content, and not approved or endorsed by Monomi Park, LLC; and
Post the following notice in close proximity to any use of the Monomi Park IP:
“[Title of your Fan Content] is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy [LINK TO THIS FAN CONTENT POLICY]. Not approved/endorsed by Monomi Park. Portions of the materials used are property of Monomi Park, LLC. ©Monomi Park LLC.”
If you are not intending to commercialize your use of the Monomi Park IP, we are happy to have you create Fan Content, including the following:
Artwork, which includes hand-made articles (toys, clothing, cosplay) that are NOT intended for mass production or re-sale as merchandise in violation of Section 10;
Original music;
Setting up and operating non-commercial websites, such as blogs, fan forums, YouTube channels; and
Organizing non-commercial fan events.
If you comply with all other aspects of this Policy, including the GROUND RULES in Section 5, you may use our Brands in connection with Fan Content (including on web sites or YouTube) if you:
Ensure any name or title of your Fan Content is primary to any of our Brand Names;
Ensure none of our Brands (or any confusingly similar names) are the dominant element or the distinctive part of your Fan Content name or title;
Honestly and fairly describe our Brands or IP Assets;
Do not use any other aspect of the Brands or IP Assets, including as or as part of any logo;
Do not use our Brand as the title of any commercial product or service.
For your guidance, below are examples of permitted and prohibited usage of our Brand “SLIME RANCHER”:
“Wrangling the Wigglies featuring Slime Rancher” (This is OK)
“Slime Rancher: The Wrangling of the Wigglies” (This is NOT OK)
If you comply with all other aspects of this Policy, you may own and operate a website and/or forum that provides factual information regarding our IP Assets, including the SLIME RANCHER game. You may also register and use a domain name, email address or social media handle that includes one of our Brands in compliance with Section 7.
However, you may NOT:
Include any third-party advertising that damages our Brand;
Suggest in any way that your website is official or approved by Monomi Park;
Register domain names for the purpose of cybersquatting.
You may not use our IP Assets to promote, market or imply our endorsement of unrelated brands, products, people, campaigns, or services. This means that you CANNOT:
Offer SLIME RANCHER fan games to be displayed or projected publicly within physical locations, including charging money for SLIME RANCHER fan games in theaters, restaurants or other similar venues;
Use the Monomi Park IP to promote any other brands, products, or services.
You are allowed to do the following:
Pay to advertise your business in an advertisement window within a SLIME RANCHER gameplay video (for example, by displaying a banner ad or by selling your ads on YouTube where they may be shown in connection with SLIME RANCHER videos uploaded independently by players);
Pay for advertisements of your business to be served on websites related to the SLIME RANCHER IP.
We are opposed to you using our Brands and IP Assets for commercial purposes (i.e. making money off of Monomi Park IP). In particular, the following are prohibited commercial uses of Monomi Park IP:
You may not sell any merchandise that uses or incorporates or is a derivative work of any of our Brands or IP Assets;
You may not use our Brands as keywords or Internet search tags for products that have no relationship with them or that are counterfeit.
However, Monomi Park permits (i) the sale of original music using Monomi Park IP and (ii) a “fan allowance” of up to 10 units of a particular product, provided that:
You do not mark or promote the merchandise as “limited edition” or in any other similar manner;
You follow the GROUND RULES in Section 5; and
Monomi Park reserves the right to produce and distribute similar merchandise.
For greater certainty, you may create and sell original music and up to 10 units of a particular product using the Monomi Park IP if you follow all other rules in this Policy.
This Policy was last updated on: September 13, 2021